
Household Income and Expenditure Survey
The Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA), in partnership with the Ministry of Health, launched the National Health Survey in 2018. This survey is conducted every five years to collect vital and comprehensive health data on key health priorities. It seeks to address local, regional, and global health indicators, offers a detailed overview of population health, and supports Bahrain’s healthcare system by informing effective national health strategies and improving information systems and policymaking.

The survey targets a representative sample of households across Bahrain, using validated predesigned questionnaires and health checks that include physical measurements and laboratory tests. The collected data will be utilized to update health indicators and help policy makers to better address the population's health needs.

The survey follows Cabinet Edict No. 14-2499, issued on March 24, 2019, which directs the Ministry of Health and the iGA to conduct the survey every five years.

Relevant Entity
Ministry of Health and the Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA).

Target Demographics
This project targets citizens and residents across all of Bahrain’s governorates. A random sample of citizens and residents aged 18 years and over is selected in a scientific method that ensures that the sample represents the community. The survey includes a sample of 4,392 private households and 500 collective households.

Survey Objectives
● Develop a comprehensive health database to enhance health indicators and elevate healthcare standards. Establish a robust health information system to support informed decision-making and improve services, aligning them with global standards to enhance quality of life for all.
● Enhance Bahrain’s health information system and identify key health priorities to deliver tailored and effective healthcare for every individual in the Kingdom.
● Develop future health strategies focusing on resources, monitoring and evaluation programs, and health services.
● Monitor key health indicators to evaluate population health, chronic disease risk factors, and lifestyle patterns, in line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
● Improve the quality of life for the population through early disease detection and delivering suitable healthcare.
● Enhance health systems by improving healthcare services, sharing information with the public, and empowering communities to effectively address health issues.
● Identify and assess gaps in health interventions, and devise plans to tackle chronic diseases.
● Understand health needs to effectively implement disease prevention and treatment programs.

Survey Timeline
The data collection and analysis will run for 6 months. Data will remain confidential and used only for statistical purposes.

Survey Procedures
The National Health Survey is conducted in three phases:
1. Initial Preparations:
Planning, reviewing questionnaires, preparing tools, providing training, and conducting field pilot visits.

2. Field Visit:

Researchers (nurses) will visit the selected sample of Bahraini citizens and residents' households to conduct interviews, surveys, and necessary medical checks using predesigned questionnaires and direct the participants to go to the health center for certain tests.

3. Analysis, Results, and Publication:
The data will undergo comprehensive analysis, and the findings will be documented and presented to policymakers, planners, researchers, and the public.

Field Visit
During household visits, a formal content will be granted. Interviews and survey forms will be completed. A family questionnaire will gather information on all members, and one randomly selected individual aged 18 or older will complete an individual questionnaire.

Data Collected During the Survey
● Contact Record - Household
● Household Roster
● Household Consent 
● Housing 
● Household Consumption Expenditure 

● Socio-Demographic Characteristics
● Health State Description 
● Disability
● Anthropometrics, Performance Tests and Biomarkers 
● Risk Factors and Preventive Health Behaviors
● Chronic Conditions and Health Service Coverage
● Accidents
● Reproductive Health
● Antimicrobial Resistance
● Health Care Utilization
● Social Networks

Medical Tests Conducted During Survey
Field visits will include basic blood tests and vitals measurements, including:
● Blood pressure
● Pulse rate
● Height
● Weight
● Waist circumference
● Hip circumference

Adults aged 18 and over who complete the individual form will have their blood samples tested and vision checked at health centers.

Health Survey Results
Health surveys indicate that Bahrain's overall health status is "average", with significant ongoing challenges, particularly among older adults, low-income groups, and individuals with lower education levels. The findings underscore health issues linked to daily habits, such as smoking, diet, and physical activity.

For more information, review the 2018 National Health Survey Report.

Further Information and Inquiries
For inquiries and further details, please call 80008100 from Sunday to Thursday, 7:00am to 3:00pm.

Survey Team