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A renowned leader in IT & eGovernment fields in the region. He has accumulated a highly-reputed profile of contributions in IT initiatives and projects, together with his active role in developing Bahrain’s government entities in the field.
By Royal Decree No. 78 of 2015, AlQaed was appointed as the Chief Executive of the Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) following the resolution of merging the Central Information Organization (CIO) with the eGovernment Authority (eGA). His wide, extensive range of expertise in the IT field embarked on the position and led the development process.
Prior to his tenure, he was assigned as the Chief Executive Officer of the eGovernment Authority since 2007 right up to issuance of the new appointment. Formerly, he occupied a number of positions at the CIO from 1993-2007 until he became the General Director of Information Technology.
During his occupancy as the CEO of the eGovernment Authority, he contributed in achieving several accomplishments such as the Kingdom of Bahrain major consecutive leap at the United Nations eGovernment Index and granting leading position amongst Middle East countries in 2010, maintaining Bahrain’s classification amongst countries with very high index in eGovernment Readiness up to the last report issued in 2018. In addition, the Kingdom – represented by the Authority – was awarded in 2014 with His Highness Shaikh Salem AlAli AlSabah Informatics Award for the National Portal Bahrain.bh which took the lead amongst 9,500 Arabian public and private portals - as the most popular in the Arab World.
AlQaed is presently the Chairman of Silah Gulf, a company established by the government in 2009 to create a call center in the Kingdom that serves the public and private sectors in various fields such as banking, telecommunication and others with the highest levels of quality. Today, Silah Gulf comprises 750 employees to cater its services in many branches distributed in Bahrain and the GCC such as Kuwait.
He chairs the (ICT eGovernance Committee) that is concerned in setting strategies, policies and standards to optimally and wisely utilize as well as employ ICT projects. In addition to heading the (Government Service Centers Evaluation Committee) along with a number of national task forces formed based on Organizing Committee resolution chaired by HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad AlKhalifa - the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister – including the formation of task force in 2015 to reduce recurrent expenditures of information systems along with a task force which simplifies and develops procedures of establishing companies. The Chief Executive also heads the (Reducing Government IT Operational Expenditures) Task Force based on the resolution of Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of Ministerial Committee for Financial Affairs and Expenditure Control H.E. Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa; in addition to the Organizing Committee of the 11th United Nations Public Service Forum Day & Awards hosted by Bahrain at the Bahrain National Museum in June 2013. Bahrain was the first country in the Middle East to host this event and was the most successful with the highest number of attendance in event’s history.
AlQaed also holds a membership in numerous significant boards and committees such as (Supreme Council for Education, Career Training and Technology Board?), Member at (Social Insurance Organization Board of Directors), Member at (Labour Market Regulatory Authority Board of Directors) and the Tender Board throughout 2009-2015 alongside his membership in the (Executive Committee of Action Plan to Enhance Governance in Government Entities).
During his employment at the CIO, he contributed to the development of government systems protection mechanisms, assisted in establishing the first government information network in the Middle East and establishing integrated eServices for ministries like the Internet and email, in addition to his key role in restructuring the Central Statistics Organization which was later developed into the CIO.
He had the honor to serve his country by implementing several significant national projects such as the Smart Identity Card project, National Action Charter 2001, supervising the logistics for elections in Bahrain, following-up on more than 1,600 government employee through his duties as an Executive Director Assistant of Municipal and Parliamentary Elections in May and October of 2002 as well as supervising the eVote project inside and outside the Kingdom.
AlQaed attained his Bachelor‘s Degree in Computer Science in 1993 from King Saud University in Saudi Arabia, a Master’s Degree in Advanced Systems Engineering from Sheffield University in the United Kingdom in 1996. In 1994, he was granted a scholarship from the mission of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for international co-operation to attend a six-month intensive course on systems engineering at the Royal Scientific Society, in Jordan.
His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa honored AlQaed by awarding him the First Class Efficiency Medal on the National Day and Accession Anniversary in December 2011, in recognition to his achievements.
On the same year, Organizing Committee of the 12th Bled Strategic Forum in Slovenia honored AlQaed ‘Person of the Year’ Award for his exerted efforts within the eGovernment program in Bahrain, reducing digital gap and transforming the eGovernment strategy to reality.
In June 2014, AlQaed was honored by His Highness Shaikh Sabah AlAhmad AlJaber Al Sabah, Amir of Kuwait amongst the members of jury of His Highness Shaikh Salem AlAli AlSabah Informatics Competition ‘Tadween’ which included a group of officials, academics and Arab World specialists in the fields of information technology, libraries, media and the Arabic language.
AlQaed was ranked 29th amongst the Most Powerful CEOs List as per the Arabian Business Magazine - in recognition for being the man behind many of the technological innovations changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of Bahrain’s citizens and residents.
He actively participates in various conference and events as a keynote speaker, and shared his knowledge via several articles published in several specialized journals focusing on the technical and administrative aspects of information technology.