iGA Participates in the University of Bahrain's 'Careers Fair' Exhibition
21 Feb 2025
The Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) participated in the 21st edition of the Career Fair, an annual exhibition organized by the University of Bahrain (UOB), which took place on February 18th and 19th, 2025.
This participation reflects the iGA's continuous commitment to engage with Bahrain's youth and university students with the aim of raising awareness on digital initiatives and showcasing training opportunities in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to enhance their technical skills. During the exhibition, the iGA introduced its key digital services and mobile apps, including the recently launched "MyGov" app, a unified experience to avail 41 services from 9 government entities, as well as the eKey 2.0 app, both of which are available via the eGovernment App Store at bahrain.bh/apps.
Additionally, the iGA introduced the "Technical Development Program" (TTDP) to university students and provided the retails of registration at this program. TTDP is a strategic initiative aimed at developing the skills of young Bahrainis, particularly those aged 21 to 30 years, who are registered in the unemployment insurance system. The program is designed to reinforce their technical skills and enhance their employability readiness to meet the demands of the labor market, enhancing their opportunities for employment.
Its worth mentioning that the Career Day is an annual event organized by the University of Bahrain, with participation from various government and private entities. It provides students the opportunity to interact with companies and institutions and explore job and training opportunities in different fields.
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