
iGA Continues the Second Phase of 2024 Household Income and Expenditure Survey

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21 Jul 2024

The Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) restates its commitment to implementing the 2024 Household Income and Expenditure Survey with the continuation of its second phase. With the objective of establishing a comprehensive database of expenditure patterns of citizens and residents in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the survey will assist decision-makers in formulating policies and developing government economic, social, and environmental programs. The survey will engage over 6,000 randomly selected families from January to December 2024.

The iGA emphasized the significance of active participation by selected families in the latter half of this year, urging their cooperation with the research team and the provision of accurate data to make this national project a success. The iGA thanked the 3,161 participating families to date for their cooperation over the past six months, reassuring new participants that all data will be treated with the same levels of confidentiality, upholding the highest privacy standards.

Participants in the 2024 Household Income and Expenditure Survey will be contacted by the survey's call center through the number 17878070 to schedule a visit. Subsequently, a dedicated researcher will visit the family three to four times to assist in completing the necessary forms.

Participating families can identify the field researchers by their blue vests with an iGA logo and their Identification cards, which include their names and workplaces. Families can verify the researcher's identity by scanning the QR code on the back of the ID card or by visiting the iGA's official website, www.iga.gov.bh, to view a list of accredited field researchers. An official letter from the iGA's Statistics and Population will be carried by the researcher and presented during the visit.

The iGA praised the positive impact of field visits by its officials, which are supported by marketing campaigns, awareness sessions, and lectures. These efforts enhanced community awareness of the survey's importance. As a token of appreciation, the iGA recently announced the results of the 2024 Family Income and Expenditure Survey monthly draw. Participating families who completed all three survey forms between January and May 2024 will receive prizes of appreciation supported by project partners. The iGA plans to continue organizing monthly draws to reward all remaining participating families for their contributions to the national survey's success.

#Survey #Household Income and Expenditure Survey #Income #KingdomofBahrain #Expenditure