
Bahrain Reviews Guiding Strategy at 25th GCC eGovernment Executive Committee Meeting

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01 Nov 2023

The Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) represented the Kingdom of Bahrain at the 25th GCC eGovernment Executive Committee meeting. Held via videoconference, iGA representatives included Chief Executive, Mohammed Ali Al Qaed; Deputy CE of Operations and Governance, Dr. Khaled Almutawah; and technical team members Fahad Behzad, Ahmed Al-Balushi, Latifa Al-Abbasi, and Ebrahim Al Mahmood.

The committee reviewed a number of items, including preparations to launch the GCC ePortal and the eGovernment Guiding Strategy being prepared by the Kingdom of Bahrain.

During the meeting, the meeting, the recommendations of the two eGovernment Priorities workshops been reviewed covering the drafting the second guiding strategy, management of government apps by decreasing their numbers and focusing on key ones, and the need to utilize online payments and share experience between GCC countries.

The meeting also covered digital inclusion and the development of joint eGovernment services, the right channels for marketing these eServices, and the main challenges facing implementation. Also discussed were unified procurement of software and the adoption of minimum requirements to commence negotiations with companies, a process which has already begun with Microsoft. 

Other items discussed included Artificial Intelligence (AI), emerging technologies, and ways for supporting AI applications for public services, climate predictions, and disaster management. In addition, the members reviewed the Ethics Guide on the use of these technologies, which was prepared by the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The guide was approved and set to be sent for approval by the GCC eGovernment Ministerial Committee. The General Secretariat will introduce the guide to senior committees and heads of court across the GCC.

The meeting concluded by reviewing the decisions of GCC eGovernment committees and following up on the latest developments. 

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